Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Just a quick post to wish you all a very Merry Christmas... only hours away here... and before my family literally arrives from the airport! Our first holiday together in Toronto. If I don't get a chance to blog again before the New Year, Happy 2011 to you too!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello... December!

Wow! Is it December already? Where does the time go?

Office Sneak Peek

My mother-in-law recently reminded me that I haven't updated my website in a while... ahem, like since January. Or at least certain pages on it, like my bio, ie. not mentioning anything about Whitney.

Well, like Stacey, life (ie. looking after a little rugrat 12+ hours a day, running my business, screenprinting for others, cooking - on occasion, cleaning - ugh!, quality time with hubby, alone time for me - what's that?, tlc for the kitties - um, need to work on that!, moving, etc.) has got in the way of regular website and blog updates this year... there's always next year. I haven't really made or followed New Year's resolutions in some time, but I think 2011 deserves at least a few.

But I'm getting ahead of myself already. It's still 2010!
And Christmas is still a few weeks away, so there's still time to pick up a few stocking stuffers from my shop.

Like these:

Or these:

And these, added to the shop today:

Check the shop tomorrow for a last-minute holiday item.

Off to bed now. Good night!