I'm feeling under the weather today. Yesterday was worse. Matt was sick last week and so were some people who I work with here, so I think it finally caught up with me. Bah!
A new tee is in the shop though. More to come soon.
Thanks to Alexis and Julie for your sweet comments on my last post. I tried to reply but blogger sometimes acts up and doesn't let me leave comments.
It's been a little while since I've taken or posted any photos of our kitties. Leave it to my mom to be the snap-happy photographer while she was here a few weeks ago.
Here, she caught Dex in the midst of his bag antics. He adores cloth bags and will literally jump in one if you hold it open for him. Then he'll proceed to attack it. We discovered this one day after coming back from the grocery store. He now has his own bag(s) since they quickly became fur-lined.
Suki is a little more serene and ladylike when it comes to bags. Here she is on the same bag.
And some more photos from my mom's visit:
outside of our loft building
the view from our rooftop
Mother's Day cake
on a walk
Matt says I look like a love-spy (whatever that is) in my heart-shaped glasses and trench coat. I'm loving my new trench, that's for sure, which my mom treated me to when she was here. It was such a steal from Jacob, reduced by more than 50%.
This past week, we also had a sort of surprise visit from my dad, who had some research he was doing in Ontario. Unfortunately I didn't take any decent photos since he was only here overnight and we were all a bit exhausted from work.
But here's a photo that my dad took of his research:
I have no idea what that is or what it does, but luckily my dad does. He is a professor of Chemical Engineering, and from time to time also does consulting for different companies, which brought him to Lakefield (about a two hour drive from Toronto) this week. We enjoyed a yummy dinner in Chinatown and even scored a free parking pass from a kind man who happened to be leaving when we arrived at the parking lot. He said someone else had given it to him, so he was just passing it on. Reminded me of that movie Pay it Forward.
The rest of the week kind of flew by without me getting much done. I made a new screen and have printed some shirts which still need to be photographed... the screen itself was kind of a nightmare but I like the new design and hope it's a hit.
I'll leave you with some lovely treasuries that I was made aware of recently. Thank you to the sweet folks who took the time to curate them and also for including my goodies. And thanks to everyone for your kind words about my new stationery set.
The stationery set I was working on last week is now available in my shop. Yes, it's Hi Kitty again. As with most of my kitty designs, they eventually end up on anything and everything that I can make. I had the idea for this churning in my head for a while and finally stopped thinking so much and just did it this past week. I'm quite happy with how it turned out but because there was more work involved than usual - you get 20 handcut stickers - the price is a bit higher than the other stationery sets I currently offer.
Here are some more photos:
Today is a holiday in Canada, the ultimate long weekend for a lot of people (May 2-4). That is, a lot of people not including us.
Yeah, we rock.
We did see the Star Trek movie on Saturday - Matt's treat - and surprisingly I enjoyed it considering I was never a Trekkie. I did watch the older Star Trek series from time to time and I even vaguely recall us owning a toy model of the Starship Enterprise.
It must have been my dad who bought it.
The actor who played James T. Kirk carried the movie really well though, and he's pretty easy on the eyes too. So ladies, if your man is wanting to take you to see this flick, I'd recommend it. :)
Here's a peek at my messy (for me) desk. Now that the surface area is smaller than before, it tends to get overcrowded pretty quickly, which takes down my productivity level a notch or two. But I have been working on things. That's the new stationery set that is a little more than half done.
Here's a closer look:
Things have been slow going this week as my mood has been up and down and same with my energy level. I found out that I wasn't accepted into the One of a Kind Show earlier this week, and neither were my friends. Of course we think it's their loss. I am on the waiting list though and will hear back in about two months whether or not a space has opened up. But even if I were offered a spot, it's never as nice as knowing that you made the initial cut.
Anyways, here are some more photos around our home to take you into the weekend.
My mom's visit was lovely and involved lots of eating, plenty of relaxing and a bit of shopping. As suspected, she was not thrilled with our digs, nor with the cats, though I think she had warmed up to them by the end of her visit. Dex certainly didn't let her feline distaste deter him from jumping on her lap on several occasions. (Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos, but my mom took quite a few that I will share once she sends them to me.)
I was sad to say goodbye to her on Monday. Happily though, we will be seeing each other again in a few months when we meet up out east at Matt's parents' place to celebrate a number of milestones.
Naturally, I put off doing any work while my mom was here, so now I'm playing catch up. I've got a new stationery set or two in the works, a new print that still needs to be inked and painted and a new screen that needs to be made so I can print up more cute tees. I'm also doing some design work for this sweet friend. At least this little deer (pictured above and my most recent purchase on etsy) is keeping me company while I work on the computer .
I'll be back later in the week with some progress shots, hopefully.
After months of waiting, I learned some wonderful news this past week.
Last Fall, I had several potential new creative ventures, but there was one that I hoped would pan out the most. And at the end of the week, I found out that this new "project" is finally coming together. To put it mildly, I'm totally thrilled. I know I'm being rather cryptic, but I can't yet reveal all the details.
Soon, though, I hope.
In other news, it is now t minus 3 days until my mom arrives for a visit. It'll be the first time she's been to our new home - the home that she and my dad helped us buy without their seeing it in person - so we're trying to get everything cleaned up and organized just so for her.
Here's a sneak peek of what we've been doing today:
Or rather that Matt has mostly been doing :)
(It was his choice though, as he's the more experienced wall painter and the roller we got "is a bit tricky", in his words.)
I'm not that worried though, since I already know she's not a fan of open concept living, and there's not a whole lot I can do to sway her opinion once she's made up her mind about something. Plus she's not a cat lover and she's never met Suki or Dex, so really, there's no point in stressing out. Easier said than done.
At least we'll be celebrating Mother's Day together for the first time in many years. I'm looking forward to that. The challenge will be deciding what to get her, or what not to get her. If you are Asian or know anyone else who is, then you'll understand what I mean.
I'm an artist, illustrator, and maker of things. I love cats and sweets and living in Toronto with my husband, our two little girls and our two kitties.